Often called IP law, intellectual property law, refers to the possession of intangible creations such as music, photography, literature, inventions, artwork, designs, concepts, or good will. These mechanisms are often the intellectual property of the original author. IP law is important for a few reasons. Simply, it protects the manifestation of your ideas and inventions, which often have the potential to make money. When a creation has financial value, it's only fair, that the creator, or authorized persons, benefit. With an intellectual property protection in place, the owner must give permission in order for someone else to use their idea or creation. At that point, the creator may have a right to make a percentage of any profit made. Intellectual property law ensures that a concept or creation is safe and considered their property. Do you need a Raleigh, NC trademark attorney? Does your work need to be evaluated by a Raleigh copyright lawyer? These are all questions you should begin to ask yourself. Don't go it alone! If you have any questions regarding, or are unclear as to whether you should protect, your works and ideas, contact our Raleigh, NC intellectual property lawyers today for a consultation.
There are different types of intellectual property protection, but copyrights are one of the best ways to prove ownership of your created work. Copyright law protects most of your ideas that are fixed in a tangible medium. Copyright registration is the best way to ensure that those works are safe and that you have legal rights to them. Transferring copyrights takes a little more work than actually preparing the initial copyright, itself. Copyright attorneys are typically needed to guide and assure the property protection process. To ensure a smooth transaction, be sure to consult an attorney before making any legal moves towards copyrights of any kind. Trusting a copyright lawyer can provide you with sound advice, assist you when dealing with other writers, or help you with buyers interested in purchasing your material. Copyrighting is important in keeping your work safe. Be sure to contact Eldreth Law Firm, PLLC for more information or to make an appointment with our Raleigh, NC copyright lawyers.
Acquiring the exclusive rights to a word, symbol, logo, slogan, or phrase for the identification of your business, goods, or services, is establishing your trademark rights. Trademarks can also be good for granting a packaging, design, and color scheme. A properly acquired trademark can give you the exclusive right to use your IP in a certain area. Federally registering your trademark further ensures that you can prove ownership of the brand or good, with minimal ongoing effort. To receive help registering your potential trademark, and ensure that another party is not already using your mark; contact us, your local Raleigh, NC trademark attorney.
Trade Secrets
If your company has developed a secret technique or device to aid in the manufacturing of your products, you may want to think about legally protecting those secrets. While there's no way to gain protection through registration, trade secrets still fall under intellectual property laws. There are many different ways to ensure that your business trade secrets remain safe and confidential. Various steps include: effective non-compete and disclosure agreements placed with anyone involved in your business, conducting regular IP audits, and even monitoring email and any other electronic information that employees may use to communicate. To ensure your company's trade secrets are safe, consult with your preferred Raleigh, NC intellectual property attorneys to consider your options. Confidentiality is important. Be sure to do what you can in order to avoid a devastating situation.
Having a great, new idea may mean that you need to consider licensing. Instead of creating a new business to house your idea, licensing may be a better, more efficient way. Selling your ideas to another company or individual is quite possible. Licensing just makes it legal and less of a hassle. If you've licensed your idea, another business can legally give you money for your idea, without any repercussions. Not every inventor is cut out to manage a business. Dealing with all the aspects of ownership is optional. If you are considering licensing as an option for your new project, call Eldreth Law Firm, PLLC for help. We can guide you in the right direction, and help you make the most of your decision.
Are you in the process of developing an idea that falls under intellectual property law? Is your idea pending patent or trademark? If so, the development of your intellectual property rights are protected by law. Keeping your ideas and works safe is an important part of the creation process. If you are in the process of developing intellectual property and need to find out more about the law and your rights, turn to our Raleigh, NC intellectual property attorneys. You are sure to have your rights protected in a way that keeps your ideas and in progress works safe.
Joint Ventures
Joint ventures are a great way to create and market based on a partnership basis. These ventures boost areas such as sales, new product development, value to your current business, and even marketing. Although joint ventures sound like a great master plan, a few things need to be in place before embarking on the journey. A joint venture agreement needs to be in place, and all parties involved need to know their roles in the venture. An operating agreement within the joint venture may be a good idea. To find out more about joint ventures, contact our team of lawyers in Raleigh, NC. We will ensure that your business and intellectual property remain safe, during the life of the joint venture.
Internet and Electronic Commerce
Internet sales are rapidly increasing. Consumers are taking advantage of everything online shopping has to offer. Lower prices and convenience are just some of the benefits of online commerce. If you are interested in selling online, and need more information on the legality of the process, contact our attorneys today. We can go over the ins-and-outs of E-commerce and important factors for your business. E-commerce is a regulated and important part of the internet and actually covers many of the following: emails, buying and selling, website activity, and advertising. The impact of regulations are vast and important. You want to abide by all rules and regulations regarding internet and electronic commerce. Business law states that all regulations and provisions are to be enforced to protect suppliers and consumers in online transactions. Don't allow your business to become a victim of poorly planned online transactions. Consult our Raleigh, NC attorneys, to ensure you're operating within the rules and regulations set forth.
Strategic Partnership Agreements
Strategic Partnerships are important for technology companies. They are key for the business development function. From a marketing standpoint, partnerships are effective in more ways than one. Don't be afraid to embark on a partnership because of what might happen if the business fails. In order to ensure the success of your partnership, be sure that a strategic partnership agreement is in place. The agreement will ensure both parties are satisfied with the potential outcomes, each will have their own duties to fulfill, and exit agreements are in place. Both parties will be legally bound to the contract, so breaching it will lead to legal ramifications. To explore the legal structure of a strategic partnership and consult an experienced attorney, contact us. We will ensure that the important elements of the partnership are defined and outlined. Complexities of the strategic partnership can be complicated. Don't allow your partnership to endure these complications and confusion in the absence of proper legal advice and structure. Contact our Raleigh, NC lawyers for more information regarding strategic partnership agreements.
Domain and Website Registration
The domain name of your website is the first thing noticed by anyone dealing with your company through its online presence. It's an important part of your identity. Domain and website registration can be a lot of complicated work. There are a few key factors to keep in mind when choosing a domain name that tie closely in to trademark law. Things like, length of the name, conveying the nature of your business within the name, choosing a name that can help the success and popularity of your website, and more. When choosing the domain name for your business, think about seeking the help of a professional. Getting help from Eldreth Law Firm, PLLC can make the process of obtaining a great domain and registering your website much easier and simpler. When something this important, it's best to consult with a professional first. Contact us today, to get started building a great web presence for your business.
Defense to Claims of Infringement
Sometimes, your intellectual property can fall victim to claims of infringement. Whether it's the case or not, infringement claims are serious and can lead to detrimental problems for your business. There are several rights that can be breached, when dealing with intellectual property infringement: copyrights, patents, and trademarks are among those most commonly breached. There are several steps to ensure that your intellectual property stays clear of infringement of any type. To learn more about what you can do to combat an infringement issue, or if you have been accused of infringement, please feel free to contact Eldreth Law Firm, PLLC. We will work with you to ensure your rights are upheld.