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Ways to Avoid Infringement

Ways to Avoid Infringement Copyright Infringement is something that creators might worry with. Writers, composers, artists, and film directors, alike must be sure that their work doesn’t infringe upon that of another creator’s existing work. Should you be in the process of creating a work, the ideas below might help to keep you away from copyrighting and infringement issues along Continue Reading

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Am I at Risk for Infringement?

Lawyer in Raleigh NC: Infringement Writers have been known to use large portions from previously written works, without the author’s consent. Even when writers use only small excerpts of another author’s work, this crosses the line of infringement. Those that worry about the consequences of infringement, often wonder how a writer can use excerpts without disrespecting another one's work, or Continue Reading

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What is Defamation?

Attorney in Raleigh NC: Defamation Communication that harms the reputation of another is defamation. The communication can expose ridicule, contempt, or hatred of an individual. Defamation can also include negative communication towards personal morality or integrity. One who is a victim of slander or libel, as it is more commonly called, may suffer economics damages.  While job loss may be Continue Reading

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The Importance of Having a Raleigh Entertainment Lawyer

Raleigh Entertainment Lawyer: What we do for you Why might one need a Raleigh entertainment lawyer? Although the answer to this question might be apparent to a producer investing a great deal of money into a film, it might, however, be a valuable question for a new entertainer, unaware of entertainment law and the importance of needing representation, in their Continue Reading

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