Our lawyer in Raleigh NC is back with more information regarding occupational rates for divorce. If you missed our previous blogs, visit back soon for more.
Divorce Rates | Lawyer Raleigh NC
- Receptionists / information clerks: 20.45
- Recreation / fitness workers: 16.57
- Recreational therapists: 14.71
- Refuse / recyclable material collectors: 24.36
- Registered nurses: 17.83
- Reinforcing iron / rebar workers: 18.74
- Religious workers/ all other: 9.35
- Reservation / transportation ticket agents / travel clerks: 20.45
- Residential advisors: 27.78
- Respiratory therapists: 20.97
- Retail salespersons: 16.99
- Riggers: 24.63
- Rolling machine setters/ operators/ tenders/ metal / plastic: 16.68
- Roof bolters/ mining: 10.28
- Roofers: 26.85
- Roustabouts/ oil / gas: 16.9
- Sailors / marine oilers: 25.88
- Sales / related workers/ all other: 18
- Sales engineers: 6.61
- Sales representatives/ services/ all other: 17.65
- Sales representatives/ wholesale / manufacturing: 14.35
- Sawing machine setters/ operators/ tenders/ wood: 23.63
- Secondary school teachers: 12.62
- Secretaries / administrative assistants: 18.99
- Securities/ commodities/ financial services sales agents: 15.11
- Security / fire alarm systems installers: 19.76
- Security guards / gaming surveillance officers: 23.67
- Semiconductor processors: 18.96
- Septic tank servicers / sewer pipe cleaners: 14.07
- Service station attendants: 21.09
- Sewing machine operators: 18.5
- Sheet metal workers: 19.99
- Ship / boat captains / operators: 15.55
- Ship engineers: 11.95
- Shipping/ receiving/ traffic clerks: 20.44
- Shoe / leather workers / repairers: 12.14
- Shoe machine operators / tenders: 18.73
- Shuttle car operators: 8.34
- Signal / track switch repairers: 9.41
- Small engine mechanics: 18.55
- Social / community service managers: 20.36
- Social workers: 23.16
- Sociologists: 23.53
- Special education teachers: 16.55
- Speech-language pathologists: 11.4
- Stationary engineers / boiler operators: 16.99
- Statistical assistants: 21.09
- Statisticians: 12.81
- Stock clerks / order fillers: 21.53
- Structural iron / steel workers: 21.43
- Structural metal fabricators / fitters: 19.49
- Subway/ streetcar/ other rail transportation workers: 11.2
- Supervisors/ protective service workers/ all other: 21.25
- Supervisors/ transportation / material moving workers: 17.67
- Surveying / mapping technicians: 19.62
- Surveyors/ cartographers/ photogrammetrists: 13.1
- Switchboard operators/ including answering service: 23.92
- Tailors/ dressmakers/ sewers: 16.58
- Tank car/ truck/ ship loaders: 10.67
- Tax examiners/ collectors/ revenue agents: 19.19
- Tax prepares: 15.81
- Taxi drivers / chauffeurs: 21.3
- Teacher assistants: 11.91
- Technical writers: 20.59
- Telecommunications line installers / repairers: 19.85
- Telemarketers: 28.1
- Telephone operators: 29.3
- Television/ video/ motion picture camera operators / editors: 13.69
- Tellers: 12.85
- Textile bleaching / dyeing machine operators / tenders: 14.29
- Textile cutting machine setters/ operators/ tenders: 15.1
- Textile knitting / weaving machine setters/ operators/ tenders: 22.98
- Textile winding/ twisting/ drawing out machine setters/ operators/ tenders: 29.02
- Textile/ apparel/ furnishings workers/ all other: 19.77
- Therapists/ all other: 24.2
- Tire builders: 16.61
- Tool / die makers: 15.52
- Tool grinders/ filers/ sharpeners: 16.67
- Tour / travel guides: 16.13
- Transit / railroad police: 5.26
- Transportation attendants: 24.29
- Transportation inspectors: 19.76
- Transportation/ storage/ distribution managers: 15.15
- Travel agents: 16.09
- Unemployed/ with no work experience since 1995: 21.81
- Upholsterers: 18.92
- Urban / regional planners: 17.51
- Ushers/ lobby attendants/ ticket takers: 17.3
- Veterinarians: 11.04
- Waiters / waitresses: 27.12
- Water / liquid waste treatment plant / system operators: 17.15
- Weighers/ measurers/ checkers/ samplers/ recordkeeping: 19.23
- Welding/ soldering/ brazing workers: 19.57
- Wholesale / retail buyers/ except farm products: 16.58
- Woodworkers/ all other: 18.21
- Woodworking machine setters/ operators/ tenders/ except sawing: 21.51
- Word processors / typists: 20.41
- Writers / authors: 15.92
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