Welcome back. In a few previous posts, our attorney in Raleigh NC began discussing estate planning for seniors, as well as, what type information might be included. In addition, we talked about digital footprints and how important it is to include management information concerning digital platforms in an estate plan, as well.
Today, we will continue that discussion with a few more things you might need to consider adding to your current estate plan. Also be sure to look back at our previous post to see a few more.
Digital Footprint | Attorney Raleigh NC
Would you like your spouse to be able to access your bank accounts online? If so, are any of them in your name, only?
Would you like to transfer them into your spouse's name?
Hiring an attorney in Raleigh NC can be a huge help when estate planning. It is a big task that involves great responsibility. Allowing a professional to help manage these legal matters can make it a bit easier. Don't hesitate to contact a lawyer for help getting all your affairs in order. It's never too early to start estate planning.
To learn more about senior estate planning, be sure to visit back with our blog soon! We will feature a new series
If you’re ready to begin estate planning in Raleigh, feel free to contact our law office. Eldreth Law Firm, PLLC is here to help you create an estate plan that is sound and ready for use, when the time comes. Our estate planning in Raleigh NC can meet with you annually, semi-annually, or quarterly to ensure that your plan is up-to-date with any changes, as well. We hope to talk with you, soon.