Welcome back. Our estate lawyer in Cary NC is here to talk more about how you should go about keeping your will and estate plan updated in case major life changes have occurred. It's important to update every five years, even if there aren't any changes. All changes should be made immediately, or at least less than six months after they've happened. Below, you'll find more tips to help you choose when its time to see our lawyer and make changes.
Fall Estate Planning Updates | Estate Lawyer Cary NC
Prepare a Durable POA.
Reviewing and updating your choice for Durable Power of Attorney should be done at least once every five years. If you have changed your choice for this role, update your plan immediately after making that decision. A Durable POA can allows another person to manage your finances and other day-to-day tasks. Should you become incapacitated or incompetent at some point, this document will come into play. Not having one in place might result in your loved ones encountering multiple obstacles in protecting your interests.
Chose a guardian for minors or children that are special needs.
Even if you are married, it may be important to choose someone to take care of your children should you pass away before they become adults. Otherwise, a court might end up making this decision without your input. To set up a guardian in your will, contact our estate lawyer in Cary NC at the law office of Eldreth Law Firm.
Estate planning in Cary NC is one of the most important parts of life that often times get overlooked. If you've yet to begin planning or haven't updated in a while it might be time to think about doing so. Just contact our lawyer to begin estate planning, today. As always, for more information from Eldreth Law Firm, PLLC be sure to visit back with us, soon! If you have any questions, contact us concerning any and all estate planning concerns!
Eldreth Law Firm, PLLC
Are you looking for an estate lawyer in Cary NC? Contact Eldreth Law Firm, PLLC to schedule a consultation with us to get started with your estate plan. We are here to help you with all your legal matters, whether it be estate planning, trademarking, copyrighting, or DWI issues.