Welcome back. We are here to talk more about abbreviations that might be used in your legal documents and when talking with estate lawyers in Raleigh NC.
Legal Abbreviations | Estate Lawyers Raleigh NC
- ER: Employer
- EE: Employee
- et als.: Latin for "and others".
- 2d: Federal Reporter, 2nd Series
- 3d: Federal Reporter, 3rd Series
- App'x: Federal Appendix
- Cas.: Federal Cases
- Reg. (sometimes FR): Federal Register
- R. Bankr. P.: Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure
- R. Civ. P. (also FRCP): Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
- R. Crim. P.: Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
- R. Evid. (also FRE): Federal Rules of Evidence
- Supp.: Federal Supplement
- Supp.2d: Federal Supplement, 2nd Series
- GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- GC: General Counsel
- GVR: Grant, Vacate, and Remand
- NGO: Non-Government Organization
- HDC: Holder in due course
- L.M.: International Legal Materials
- IRB: Internal Revenue Bulletin
- ILRM: Irish Law Reports Monthly
- IR: Irish Law Reports
- IRC: Internal Revenue Code
- ISLN: International Standard Lawyer Number
- ILRM: Irish Law Reports Monthly
Stay tuned for even more abbreviations in our next blog post and future posts, as well! If you have questions, contact our estate lawyers in Cary NC.
Eldreth Law Firm | Estate Lawyers in Cary NC
When planning your estate, you may want to consider which assets are subject to probate and which are not so that you can make the best decisions in how you designate heirs. If you need additional help, reach out to our estate lawyers in Cary NC to ensure that you are creating the best plan for your situation.
As always, please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have concerning legal issues. Also, contact our estate lawyer in Cary NC to schedule a consultation if you have yet to start estate planning. If you don’t have an estate plan in place or haven’t reviewed yours in several years, now might be the best time to start. In addition to estate planning, our lawyer is here to help you with all your small business needs, trademarking, copyrighting, or DWI issues.