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An Estate Plan for Your Vacation Home

Vacation homes are often places where families spend their summers or winters, making memories for years. However, when thinking of estate planning, vacation homes aren’t exactly the first thing that comes to mind. Unfortunately, they can cause quite a headache and become a round of dispute when heirs disagree about how to manage them. If you’re getting ready to close Continue Reading

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Tips for Planning the Future of Your Vacation Home

Welcome back. In a previous post, our attorney in Raleigh NC began a discussion about estate planning for your family vacation home. Below, you will find some final tips for planning the future of your vacation home. Estate Planning in Raleigh NC Starts With Planning the Future of Your Vacation Home Oftentimes, families have multiple generations by the time planning Continue Reading

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Ways to Avoid an Advertising Scam

If you've been subject to an advertising scam, contact our attorney in Raleigh NC at Eldreth Law Firm PC for legal advice. In a previous post, our attorney in Raleigh NC talked about what an advertising scam is. Today, we’d like to focus on ways you can avoid being taken advantage of should you happen to be subjected to an advertising Continue Reading

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What is an Advertising Scam?

A directory entry or unauthorized advertising scam is an act of fraud that targets small businesses. Most of these scams try to bill your business for an advertisement in a magazine or journal, or listing in a business phone directory that never actually existed. Lawyer in Raleigh NC | Advertising Scams In reality, the scammers never advertise or publish your Continue Reading

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