If you've been subject to an advertising scam, contact our attorney in Raleigh NC at Eldreth Law Firm PC for legal advice.
In a previous post, our attorney in Raleigh NC talked about what an advertising scam is. Today, we’d like to focus on ways you can avoid being taken advantage of should you happen to be subjected to an advertising scam.
Ways to Avoid an Advertising Scam | Attorney in Raleigh NC
Often people don’t realize they’ve become a victim of an advertising scam until it’s too late. In order to avoid scammers it’s important to ask certain relevant questions of all companies that contact you regarding advertising. Based on the initial contact, you might think it’s a legit ad company and take necessary steps to authorize the entry. Before authorizing any type of ad or publication ask for the following information from the company:
Ask for proof of existence
Keep all written records of authorizations for advertising or directory entries. (Invoices, written notes from a phone conversation, etc.)
If you are speaking with someone on the telephone, be sure to get a name from the representative as well as where the business is located and what the legal business name is. (Some advertising scam businesses will use a shortened name that imitates a legitimate advertising business.)
Ask for proof of the entry before paying for it. You are entitled to have an exact copy of the actual advertisement. The company should be able to email, fax, or mail you a copy of the listing or ad before it is published.
Ask for names of local businesses that have used the company for advertising as a way of gaining references. Call those businesses to make sure the company is fair and legit.
Check with the local fair trading agency to make sure the company hasn’t been turned in for suspicious acts.
Once you realize you have been targeted by an advertising scam company it is a good idea to not pay any money to them even after receiving an invoice or bill. Contact a Raleigh small business lawyer to explore all your options first.
Attorney in Raleigh NC | Avoid an Advertising Scam
If you have been subjected to an advertising scam and need legal advice be sure to contact Eldreth Law Firm, PLLC, attorney in Raleigh NC. We would be happy to discuss your situation and outline your options. For more information on other services we offer please visit our practice area/services page.