Our estate lawyers in Cary NC are here to talk more about the probate process when there is no will available upon someone’s passing. This time can be difficult and stressful for family members. However, when there is no estate plan for courts to follow, the process is the only way to distribute assets and ensure all debts and taxes are paid.
If you’re just joining us, be sure to check back with previous blogs to learn more about the initial states of the probate process before moving on.
Last blog post, we left off talking about how the court will determine beneficiaries. Once they’ve been determined, the distribution of assets will take place.
Many times, courts will choose to distribute assets that are left over from paying debts, taxes and other expenses owed to surviving children and spouses or parents. If there are no close relatives, the court will move on to distant relatives.
Individuals that would like to make sure their belongings are left to someone of their choice, having a will in place will ensure this happens. Otherwise, it can be a long process before assets are able to be distributed to loved ones. At that point, it’s still not guaranteed that they’ll be left to whom the deceased may have chosen.
Check back soon for more on this process. You’ll find additional information in our next installment. For questions, contact our estate lawyers in Cary NC.
Estate Lawyers in Cary NC
Are you considering estate planning? If so, congrats. We hope this information helps you decide to start estate planning today! Remember, you're never too young to start. Call now to learn more. There are many reasons why you should start your estate plan now, instead of later, no matter what your age is. We can help you with this.
As always, feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have about estate planning. Also contact our estate lawyers in Cary NC to schedule a consultation if you have yet to start estate planning. It’s never too early to make plans for your wishes upon death. In addition, Eldreth Law Firm, PLLC is here to help you with all your legal matters, whether it be estate planning, trademarking, copyrighting, or other issues.