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The Termination of Relationships and Ancillary Matters Part 4: Alimony

Are you facing a divorce and aren’t sure how to proceed with the overall process? Many couples facing divorce aren’t sure where to start, after filing. Over the course of the past few blog posts, our Raleigh divorce lawyer has been talking about the termination of relationships and ancillary matters, as well as, what they mean. Today, our focus will be on alimony. We hope these blog posts help you better understand the termination of relationships and other aspects of this topic. If you need help or have questions, contact Eldreth Law Firm, today.

Alimony | Raleigh Divorce Lawyer

The payment for maintenance and support of a dependent spouse that has recently gone through a divorce is called alimony. This payment can be offered in one lump sum or it can be offered in continuing payments, each month.
Alimony is paid to the dependent spouse by the supporting spouse. In other words, the spouse that made the most money in a marriage is considered the supporting spouse.
While the amount of alimony that is paid out varies, depending on the situation and other matters involved, it is usually based on necessity. The court will decide what is deemed necessary.
The amount of alimony, and whether or not it’s necessary can become a very difficult battle. It’s often a good idea to hire a Raleigh divorce lawyer to help you through this situation. If you’re interested in talking with our lawyer about divorce, alimony and other matters in family law, contact us, today.
Eldreth Law Firm | Raleigh Divorce Lawyer
As always, feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have about estate planning. Also contact our estate lawyers in Raleigh NC to schedule a consultation if you have yet to start estate planning. It’s never too early to make plans for your wishes upon death. In addition, we are here to help you with all your legal matters, whether it be estate planning, trademarking, copyrighting, or DWI issues.
Be sure to visit with the other blog post in this series to learn more about family law and the various aspects of the overall subject:
The Termination of Relationships and Ancillary Matters Part 1: Divorce
The Termination of Relationships and Ancillary Matters Part 2: Annulment
The Termination of Relationships and Ancillary Matters Part 3: Property Settlements
The Termination of Relationships and Ancillary Matters Part 4: Alimony
The Termination of Relationships and Ancillary Matters Part 5: Child Support
The Termination of Relationships and Ancillary Matters Part 6: Child Custody

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