Welcome back. Our estate lawyers in Cary NC are here to talk more about disinheriting an adult child from your will. This is a difficult subject to tackle, but in some cases, it is a necessity for one reason or another. No matter what you're reasons are, our lawyer is here to help you when the time comes.
Working With Your Estate Lawyers in Cary NC
If you’re unsure whether or not you should leave a reason for disinheriting your adult child from your will, our estate lawyers in Cary NC offers a few things to consider.
- Your adult child may try to challenge your reasons for omitting them, if the reasons are vague and indirect. Those that choose to leave their children with nothing after passing due to the fact that they adequately cared for them during their lifetime may leave their estate in a challengeable state. Your child might disagree with your intent. They might also challenge the capacity of your parenting.
- Keep in mind that it is possible for the disinherited adult child to challenge this decision. After all, even if the child is responsible for their actions and the full cause of the disinheritance, the resentment and anger they’ll feel cannot be discounted. Even though they may have been treating you badly and disrespecting you for years, they may feel entitled to part of your estate when you and your spouse pass.
- To make this situation as easy as possible, remember to consider the following information to help you clarify your intent for a more effective disinheritance:
- Create a will that is clear and concise. Without a will, parents will die intestate. This can cause a lot of trouble.
- If you already have a will in place, update it with new information or execute a new will using the old one as a guideline.
- Clearly define the fact that you’re disinheriting a child within the will.
We hope this information helps you in this difficult situation. Be sure to visit back with our blog soon for more information.
Eldreth Law Firm | Estate Lawyers in Cary NC
Remember, if you don’t have an estate plan in place or haven’t reviewed yours in several years, now might be the best time to start. Our estate lawyers in Cary NC are here to help you get your estate planning in order and ready should you pass in an untimely manner or become incapacitated at some point. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to an estate plan. Contact our office.
As always, feel free to contact us at our office to schedule a consultation with if you are looking for a lawyer to represent you in other legal matters. We are here to assist you with small business needs, trademarking, copyrighting and DWI issues.
If you’re interested in learning more about disinheritance, be sure to visit back with other blogs, below: