Welcome back. We are here to talk more about adult guardianship and information you might need to help you better understand it. Many face the issue of having elderly parents that might need guardianship. While we don't want to think about this happening to our parents, it's important to understand it. This is part of estate planning in Cary NC and our lawyer can help you through it.
Adult Guardianship | Estate Planning in Cary NC
Determining guardianship for an elderly parent can cause problems within families because many feel that they are the best choice. However, some people eliminate this friction among family members by planning ahead.
An estate plan or will created in the years prior can outline what to do should you become incapacitated. A healthcare directive can be used to select someone to make medical decisions on your behalf. A power of attorney can be granted to appoint an individual to manage your financial affairs. A married couple can outline what happens should one become incapacitated or die, or if both should be left unable to make decisions.
A thorough plan will outline all aspects and scenarios in order to lessen the burden on children or other family members. However, in some cases, there could still be a need for a guardianship on matters that may not have been addressed.
If you don’t have an estate plan in place or haven’t reviewed yours in several years, now might be the best time to start. Our lawyer is here to help you get your estate plan in order and ready should you pass in an untimely manner or become incapacitated at some point. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to estate planning in Cary NC. Contact our office, today, to get started.
Eldreth Law Firm | Lawyer in Cary NC
Are you looking for a new lawyer? Call our office to see if we can help you with your legal matters. We work in business law, intellectual property, elder care, entertainment and media law, plus more. We hope to hear from you to see if we are a good fit for your needs so that we can begin a strong and trustworthy working relationship with you. Contact us, today, to make an appointment.
Below, you'll find other blogs in this series concerning estate planning in Raleigh NC, as well as understanding adult guardianship. Be sure to read over this information, as well: