If you haven't started estate planning in Raleigh NC, now might be a great time to do so. Anyone over the age of 18 can create a plan as long as they own or possess things of value. A record collection, cars, a home and more can be considered items of value.
Here, and over the course of the next few blog posts, you'll find tips that can help you understand estate planning in Raleigh NC. At any point, be sure to contact our lawyer for additional information or to schedule an appointment to get started.
There are many factors of an estate plan. Various documents and information are gathered to compile an estate plan.
You’ve probably heard of a will but you may not be familiar with one. This is an important part of estate planning in Raleigh NC. A will, also called a last will and testament, is a document that includes instructions for your wishes. It details how you plan to leave your possessions and to whom. It’s also a place where you can document guardianship, elder care, and child custody should you pass in an untimely manner with minor children.
Creating a last will and testament is important and should be considered a priority when thinking about estate planning in Raleigh NC. Our lawyer can help you with this. Be sure to contact our office for more information.
Eldreth Law Firm, PLLC | Estate Planning in Raleigh NC
Remember, estate planning is important. It’s a way to ensure your loved ones are cared for after you’ve passed. It’s also a way to distribute your belongings to specific loved ones as well. It’s important that one not pass without this document. Doing so can result in a court case that will leave your loved ones stuck in probate court. This could be not only time consuming but expensive as well.
Regardless of whether you're married, single, wealthy, childless or a parent, it's important for all adults to have an estate plan and the proper documents in place at the beginning of each year. Call our lawyer now to get started with your estate planning in Raleigh NC.