Attorney in Raleigh NC: Estate Planning for Younger Individuals
A survey lead by revealed that the two most frequent reasons adult Americans cited for not having an estate plan were insufficient assets and not being old enough to need a plan.
In reality, our attorney in Raleigh NC believes that those two beliefs couldn’t be furthest from the truth. Life is full of ups and downs. For that reason, alone, it’s important to have at least a basic estate plan in place for both the young and old. For those younger individuals that aren’t sure how an estate plan can be useful at a young age, here are a few estate planning tips for young couples and those that are single.
Attorney Raleigh NC | Medical Emergencies
People of all ages run the risk of having a medical emergency. There’s just no way to avoid it. Though it may just as likely never happen, it’s important to be prepared if it does. Consider planning for medical emergencies so that the person of your choice is able to make decisions for you, during your time of incapacity. Planning for medical emergencies should be a must for everyone, no matter your age. The plan should include the signing of two important legal documents; a Living Will and an Advance Medical Directive.
For more information on estate planning in Raleigh for younger individuals and couples be sure to visit back with our estate planning lawyers soon. We will have one last tips for you to read about.
If you’re ready to begin estate planning now, to avoid a serious problem, later on, feel free to contact our attorney in Raleigh, to set up a consultation, soon.