Welcome back! In our last post, our attorney in Raleigh NC began discussing Partnership Agreements and how important they are to include when drafting your estate plan. Our estate attorney in Raleigh are here to help you understand all there is to know about Partnership Agreements and how to include them in your plan.
Attorney in Raleigh NC: Tips for Partnership Owners
As we mentioned in our last post, it is your right to protect your investments. This also means protecting your business partnership. Being prepared for the “what-ifs” of the future is a smart business move. Documenting what should happen in the event that one partner becomes incapacitated or worse, deceased, is a crucial part of overall estate planning in Raleigh.
Over the course of the next couple of blog posts, our estate attorney in Raleigh NC will go over the ins and outs of planning a partnership agreement within an estate plan, as well as, answer a few of the questions below:
What is a buy-sell agreement?
What options do I have as a partnership business owner?
What is covered within an estate plan’s partnership agreement?
How do I create a partnership agreement for my estate plan?
Our next post will cover the overall information needed to understand what partnership agreements are and what options are available for you. We hope to see you back here, soon!
As always, feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have about your current estate plan. Also contact us to schedule a consultation if you are looking for an estate attorney. We are here to help you with all your legal matters, whether it be estate planning in Raleigh NC, trademarking, copyrighting, or DWI issues.