Attorney in Raleigh NC: Partnership Agreements
Do you own a business with a partner? If so, now might be time to consider adding a partnership agreement to your estate planning in Raleigh. Believe it or not, there are many partners; new and old, that forgo adding a partnership agreement to their estate plan, simply because they think they’ll never need it. On the contrary, they couldn’t be more wrong. A partnership agreement added into an estate plan is essential. It can really save time, money, and adversity, should one of the partners have an untimely death or incapacitation. Planning for a buyout, agreement of termination, or buy-sell agreement within your estate plan is an important part of being an entrepreneur.
Attorney in Raleigh NC | Partnership Agreement
It’s your right to protect your investments, and that holds true with a partnership investment, as well. Being prepared for the “what-ifs” of the future is a smart business move. Documenting what should happen in the event that one partner becomes incapacitated or worse, deceased, is a crucial part of overall estate planning in Raleigh.
For more information about Partnership Agreements and estate planning in Raleigh, be sure to visit back with us on our next post! We will go into further detail about the importance of incorporating this type of document into your estate plan. If you have any questions in the meantime, contact us!
As always, feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have about your current estate plan. Also contact our attorney in Raleigh NC to schedule a consultation if you are looking for an estate attorney. We are here to help you with all your legal matters, whether it be estate planning in Raleigh NC, trademarking, copyrighting, or DWI issues.